Day 4

Day 4 finishes Chapter 2, Expedients, and completes the first volume of the Sutra of the Lotus flower of the Wonderful Dharma.

Again, the many, many facets of this section of Chapter 2 threaten to overwhelm my attempt to single out what I see as the most important aspect of today’s reading.

What stands out today is this gathas:

Know this, Sariputra!
I once vowed that l would cause
All living beings to become
Exactly as I am.

That old vow of mine
Has now been fulfilled.
I lead all living beings
Into the Way to Buddhahood.

This teaching says EVERYONE can become a Buddha. Not a lesser being who just eliminates suffering of birth and death. Exactly like the Buddha. There is no lesser goal just as there is no lesser vehicle than the Great Vehicle, the Truth of Equality. This will be the topic – told from various perspectives – of the next several chapters.