Keeping Odaimoku


All the good deeds and virtues of the Buddha Sakyamuni are manifested in the title of the Lotus Sutra, that is, in the five letters : “Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo.” However sinful we may be, we shall be naturally endowed with all the deeds and virtues of the Buddha if we adhere to these five letters.

(Background : April 25, 1273, 51 years old, at Sado, Showa Teihcn, p.711)

Explanatory note

Upon a meritorious accomplishment, we often fail to appreciate other people’s helping hands and are apt to think that it was due solely to our own abilities and efforts. We may say, “I accomplished this because I chanted Odaimoku so many times,” or “My job is successful because I have chanted Buddhist scriptures with a sincere mind.” If these words represent your beliefs, you have yet to attain the stage of awareness.

Let us think on the word “given.” Our bodies and minds are given to us. Even our wills to accomplish something are inherited from our ancestors.

Our achievements do not come to us by our own abilities and efforts alone. We must be aware of important environmental influences in our daily lives. This awareness will affect many changes in our lives.
After studying the teaching of the Buddha for many years, Nichiren Daishonin reached the conclusion that salvation in the Latter Age of the Declining Law was only possible through upholding Odaimoku with firm conviction. Because of his methodical and careful study of Buddhism, he realized a profound comprehension and conviction of Buddhism. Nevertheless, he taught us not to be overly concerned with theory alone, but to have faith and to practice the chanting of Odaimoku.

Nichiren revealed that the five characters of Odaimoku, “Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo,” embody the following : All virtues of the Buddha Sakyamuni’s practices, of His enlightenment, and of His salvation.

The Buddha Sakyamuni attained enlightenment in the remote past, but before His Enlightenment, He had practiced the Bodhisattva austerities for countless times in His previous lives. His experiences of these practices are detailed in the Jataka Tales.

His practices and enlightenment are all embodied within Odaimoku. However, salvation by Odaimoku is promised in the Lotus Sutra which declares that it will be performed by Bodhisattva Jogyo in the Latter Age of the Declining Law. As a matter of fact, Nichiren Daishonin appeared in the Latter Age to prove this promise and taught us the importance of the chanting of Odaimoku.

When we uphold Odaimoku, we will be given all the virtues of the Buddha Sakyamuni and will be embraced in his realm of enlightenment. This is Buddha’s salvation.

Rev. Matsuda

Phrase A Day