Manifesting the Wonderful Dharma in Our Lives

Buddhahood is not becoming some superhuman being or dying and being reborn in a Buddha land. It is not built up or acquired through the practice of austerities or higher states of consciousness. The simple truth is that “Buddha” is just a title for someone who is awake to the reality of each moment and thereby draws upon the innate wisdom and compassion that is within us all. A Buddha trusts and rejoices in the Wonderful Dharma. Instead of giving in to weakness, a Buddha steps back, sees clearly what is happening, and then acts in the best interest of all concerned. When one acts like a Buddha, one acts wisely and compassionately instead of reacting out of weakness and ignorance. Becoming a Buddha with this body is not a magic transformation, but rather the manifestation of the Wonderful Dharma in our lives from moment to moment.

Lotus Seeds