On the Death of a Young Girl

Montgomery (February 6, 1986)
In the Teaching Valid for the Latter Day, which is a letter to Nanjo Tokimitsu dated April 1, 1278, Nichiren says, “Now in the latter day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor any other sutras lead to enlightment. Namu-myoho-renge-kyo alone can do so.” Is this an accurate translation? What does that mean?

Murano (February 24, 1986)
The Ueno-dono-gohenji, dated April 1, 1278, was a reply to Nanjo Tokimitsu, who had reported to Nichiren on the death of the daughter of Ishikawa. According to the report, she had been ill in bed for a long üme, and chanted the Daimoku on her deathbed. The passage means, “Now is the Age of Degeneration. The chanting of the whole of the Lotus Sutra is no longer of any use in this age. Only the chanting of the Daimoku is helpful to you.

Questions and Answers on Nichiren Buddhism