Our Opportunity

“A man who misses his opportunity, and a monkey who misses his branch cannot be saved.” Hindu proverb

When you consider the many opportunities we have had to practice any number of other religions other than Buddhism we can appreciate how rare the chance we were presented with. Buddhism is not the most common religion in America. I have heard that Buddhism is the fourth major religion in America, yet it is still rare to come into contact with Buddhism, especially in some areas of the country.

The two princes in Chapter XXVII of the Lotus Sutra realized what a rare gift they had been given to meet the Buddha. If you have a copy of the Lotus Sutra you might enjoy refreshing your memory of Chapter XXVII.

The choice has been presented to us. We have been given a wonderful and rare opportunity. Now, do we miss this chance, will we be like the monkey who misses his branch as he swings through the forest? There is no saving either the monkey who misses his branch, nor the person who misses the opportunity to practice the Lotus Sutra when given the option to do so. The branch presents itself – the Lotus Sutra presents itself – but it is up to us just as it is up to the monkey whether or not we reach out and hold fast.

Lotus Path: Practicing the Lotus Sutra Volume 1