Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism

The original title page

This excerpt is from Rev. Ryūei Michael McCormick’s “Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism,” which is available online at nichirenbayarea.org

This “Page” will provide the links to the various parts and chapters of my manuscript Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism. I first wrote it back in the late 90′s as a collection of notes for lectures I was giving in San Francisco. Those notes became Dharma Flower by the year 2000, and since then I have sent out copies of it on request. It has since been translated into Danish, and French, Spanish, and Italian. Someone once requested permission to do a Vietnamese translation. I now wish to make the English version more widely available via this blog.

I wrote it when I was just a Shami (which is to say a novice or minister-in-training in the Nichiren Shū. I had been practicing some form of Nichiren Buddhism since the mid-1980′s and these writings were an attempt to digest everything I had learned and present it in the form of a coherent system. So it is what it is because it is what I needed at the time. Hopefully it will be helpful to others.

Again, I hope that this product of a certain stage in my spiritual journey will be helpful to others and I offer it in a spirit of humility to other Nichiren Buddhists in the hopes that it will illuminate and encourage. Oh but first:

Copyright ©2000 by Ryūei Michael McCormick. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of the author except for brief passages quoted in review.