Category Archives: Lotus Seeds

Lotus Seeds: The Essence of Nichiren Shu Buddhism

Lotus Seeds bookcoverFrom the NBIC website

Almost 2500 years ago, the Buddha taught a way to relieve the suffering of all beings in the universe. In the thirteenth century, a Japanese monk named Nichiren proposed a reform of Buddhism to make the Buddha’s teaching and enlightenment once again accessible to all mankind without discrimination. His efforts led to the founding of the Nichiren Shu School of Buddhism.

This book makes the Buddha’s and Nichiren’s teachings accessible for us today. Lotus Seeds fills the gap of information for those seeking an English-language explanation of the foundation and essential teachings of Nichiren Shu.

Find out how to apply the principles of Nichiren Shu within your own life and join the practitioners of this unique form of Buddhism worldwide on making the world a better place. Plant Lotus Seeds in your life today.

Book Quotes

Book List

800 Years: The Wisdom To Have Faith

Of the Six Perfections – generosity, discipline, patience, energy, meditation, and wisdom – the perfection of wisdom is accomplished when our views are in accord with the reality or the world as it truly is. That is, we have insight into the dynamic and interdependent nature of all things. The perfection of wisdom is expressed through our faith in the Wonderful Dharma, which enables us to have confidence and trust in our Buddha-nature – our capacity to view life with the insight and wisdom of the Buddha.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: Keeping the Six Perfections in Mind through Faith

The Six Perfections – generosity, discipline, patience, energy, meditation, and wisdom – help us to be honest about our practice. If our life no longer reflects the awakened way of the Six Perfections, then it is possible that our faith in Namu Myoho Renge Kyo is fading; we may not be dedicating ourselves to its practice and keeping it in our hearts. If we find ourselves slipping into negative habits and qualities such as stinginess, lack of integrity, impatience, laziness, anxiety, and foolishness instead of manifesting the good qualities of the Six Perfections, we should examine our practice to ensure that we have not made it an empty routine or habit. By keeping the Six Perfections in mind, we will be able to honestly examine ourselves, recognize if we have turned from the world of Buddhahood to the lower worlds, and rededicate ourselves to Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. In this way, we do not depend upon the Six Perfections as the cause to attain Buddhahood; rather we take faith in Namu Myoho Renge Kyo as the primary cause that will enable us to attain Buddhahood and thereby manifest the Six Perfections naturally and joyfully.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: Planting the See of Buddhahood

Just as a fertile field has the capacity to produce a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables if the right seeds are planted, we have the capacity to manifest the wisdom and compassion of a Buddha if the seed of Buddhahood is planted in our lives. Our Buddha-nature is like the fertile field which awaits the seed; Namu Myoho Renge Kyo is that seed. All the awakened qualities and merits spring from that seed, which we receive through our faith in the Lotus Sutra. That is why chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, “I devote myself to the Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma” is the primary practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: Taking Refuge in the Possibility of Our Own Awakening

[Within the Three Treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha], the Buddha shows us the possibility that we can awaken to the truth about life. Shakyamuni Buddha provided us with a model of human wisdom and compassion. When we take refuge in him, we take refuge in the possibility of our own awakening. In different schools of Buddhism, the Buddha is interpreted as anything from an abstraction to an almost god-like celestial being, but in Nichiren Buddhism, we do not regard Shakyamuni Buddha as an other-worldly reality, abstract ideal, or long dead teacher. He is the awakening to the living reality of our own lives, which we realize when we take faith in Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: A Guide to What We Are Capable of Doing

The Buddha is not some god-like entity. The inner life of Shakyamuni Buddha is within ourselves. The actual qualities and accomplishments of Shakyamnni Buddha flow naturally from his realization of the ultimate truth. They serve as an inspiration and a guide to what we are capable of doing when we take faith in the Buddha Dharma.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: All People Have Same Capacity to Attain Buddhahood

The One Vehicle is the teaching that there are no permanent barriers to attaining Buddhahood. Even the worst evil-doers have the ability to awaken to the truth about themselves, repent of their wrong-doing, and begin to follow the way to Buddhahood if they take faith in the One Vehicle. Those who are looked down upon by others for any reason also have the ability to awaken to the incomparable dignity of Buddhahood if they take faith in the One Vehicle. There is no discrimination in the One Vehicle. People may be different based on race, class, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, intelligence, personal habits, interests, spiritual maturity, and many other factors, but in the end all people have the same capacity to attain Buddhahood.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: Opening Ourselves to the Buddha’s Merits and Virtues

The awakened life of the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha is the awakened life of all beings throughout time and space. It is also actively present in our lives, a presence that enables us to live as buddhas when we open ourselves to the Buddha’s merits and virtues through our faith in the Lotus Sutra.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: Receiving This Teaching with Faith and Rejoicing

Once the Eternal Buddha reveals his unborn and deathless true nature, Buddhahood is no longer just a theory, or the achievement of a special person who lived in the distant past, or a remote future possibility. Buddhahood is the essential truth of the present moment that the other teachings point toward. This is why the One Vehicle teaching of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha is considered to be the reflection of the Eternal Buddha in this world of impermanence, while the Eternal Buddha is the ever-present actuality that is the source of all such reflections. It is important that we receive this teaching with faith and rejoicing, and spread it to others.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: Perfections in the Spinning Top

One way to illustrate the Nichiren practice is through the analogy of a top. Just as a top spins on a single point, when we take faith in Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, it becomes the central point upon which our lives turn. If the point of the top remains steady, then the top will not wobble and can continue spinning. Similarly, if we consistently practice Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, our lives will manifest the Six Perfections – generosity, discipline, patience, energy, meditation, and wisdom – which describe a way of life that is strong and centered.

Lotus Seeds

800 Years: The Essential and the Theoretical Faith

Though the Essential Section of the Lotus Sutra is of primary importance for determining the faith and practice of Nichiren Buddhism, this does not imply that the Theoretical Section should be discarded. The Theoretical Section derives its own meaning from the Essential Section, but it can also be used to help us better understand the Essential Section. The point of this is that though the theory of the One Vehicle depends upon the essential reality of the Eternal Buddha, the theory and the reality are consistent with one another. If we have faith in the Eternal Buddha we will understand the meaning of the One Vehicle, and if we truly understand the meaning of the One Vehicle, we will be in accord with the true intention of the Eternal Buddha. For this reason, Nichiren Shonin taught that the whole sutra was worthy of respect, both the theoretical and essential sections.

Lotus Seeds