800 Years: Keeping the Six Perfections in Mind through Faith

The Six Perfections – generosity, discipline, patience, energy, meditation, and wisdom – help us to be honest about our practice. If our life no longer reflects the awakened way of the Six Perfections, then it is possible that our faith in Namu Myoho Renge Kyo is fading; we may not be dedicating ourselves to its practice and keeping it in our hearts. If we find ourselves slipping into negative habits and qualities such as stinginess, lack of integrity, impatience, laziness, anxiety, and foolishness instead of manifesting the good qualities of the Six Perfections, we should examine our practice to ensure that we have not made it an empty routine or habit. By keeping the Six Perfections in mind, we will be able to honestly examine ourselves, recognize if we have turned from the world of Buddhahood to the lower worlds, and rededicate ourselves to Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. In this way, we do not depend upon the Six Perfections as the cause to attain Buddhahood; rather we take faith in Namu Myoho Renge Kyo as the primary cause that will enable us to attain Buddhahood and thereby manifest the Six Perfections naturally and joyfully.

Lotus Seeds