Lesson 24

In reviewing Chapter 20, Never-Despising Bodhisattva I set aside a number of quotes that I had earlier set aside. For example, the “literary” nature of this chapter and the “three important teachings” found in the chapter. Among these quotes was a gem I had overlooked the first time through.

The greatness of the religious life of the Bodhisattva Never Despise lies in the courageous spirit through which he never retrogressed but persevered until he had completely accomplished his original intention. His spirit was not reckless and rough but thorough and persistent. He trod the path to the attainment of buddhahood by learning and doing, doing and learning, for his constant improvement, that is, through the repetition of practicing the Buddha’s teachings himself and letting others practice them.

Here’s to learning and doing and doing and learning.

On the Journey to a Place of Treasures