
Shindoku is the traditional reading of the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren Buddhism. The version of the Lotus Sutra used by Nichiren was translated to Chinese by Kumarajiva. His work is considered the best at keeping the original meaning and melody of the Sanskrit version. Shindoku is the Japanese reading of the Chinese characters. This reading keeps the melody and allows us to read the original Kumarajiva version.

Keep the tempo with one beat each word.

Pronunciation Guide to Shindoku.
Vowels pronounced
a–as in Father.
i–e as in we.
u–as in rule
e–as in egg
o–as in go
Consonants are mostly the same as in English except for F and R. Fu sounds more like Hu. Ryu or Ryo have more of a L sound with a little d added. Closer to the sound made in saying Lieu or Low. Keep the tempo with one beat each word.

You can listen to the 28 chapters of the Lotus Sutra in shindoku here.

On the Journey to a Place of Treasures