‘Today the Fate of Another, Tomorrow Mine’

How pathetic it is that all the people in Japan today are delighted to see me, Nichiren, and my disciples and lay followers confronted by three types of powerful enemies and suffering from severe persecution. However, as it is said, “Today the fate of another, tomorrow mine,” their lives are as fragile as those of Nichiren and his disciples and lay followers. It is just like frost and dew lasting only until the sun rises. When, I, Nichiren, and my disciples and lay followers attain Buddhahood enjoying supreme happiness in the Pure Land of Tranquil Light, they will suffer in the bottom of the Hell of Incessant Suffering. Then what pity we shall feel for them, and how envious they shall be of us!

Nyosetsu Shugyō-shō, True Way of Practicing the Teaching of the Buddha, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 87