800 Years: Practicing the Odaimoku and Ichinen Sanzen

The world of the Buddha’s great salvation is spread before us. Unfortunately, many do not realize this great gift. We should recognize it and also help others to do so. To realize and practice, transmitting the Buddha’s salvation is practicing the Odaimoku and Ichinen Sanzen.

You do not need to become a minister to do this. What you need to do is to have faith in the Lotus Sutra; honor the Buddha and Nichiren Shōnin; remain grateful for everything of this world, and appreciate and love it. Pray for everyone’s happiness and chant the Odaimoku with mindfulness. When we do this we fulfill the Buddha’s wish. The Lotus Sutra requests that those who are able to should help the Buddha’s mission. Every single one of us is the Buddha’s messenger who carries the Buddha’s mission in our hearts.

Buddha Seed: Understanding the Odaimoku