800 Years: The Faith of Shijō Kingo

The close union of religion and ethics was a characteristic feature in Nichiren’s thought and life, and it appears in a harmonious combination of his human sentiments with his religious aspirations. An episode in these years of retirement may serve as an illustration of this union. As has been mentioned in connection with Nichiren’s execution, one of his warrior disciples, Shijō Kingo, was always a great favorite of Nichiren. In the sixth month of 1277, Kingo was slandered to his lord by religious opponents. Nichiren wrote to his disciple, admonishing him never to waver in his faith on account of the accusation, and composed for him a defense to be presented to his lord. The lord remained inflexible, and Kingo was finally deprived of his position and emoluments; yet the faithful warrior not only remained steadfast in his religion but continued to show admirable fidelity to the lord who had done him injustice. This fidelity made such an impression on his lord that in the following year he restored Kingo to his former position.

All Nichiren’s letters about this affair, especially the last ones, expressing his great joy at hearing of Kingo’s restoration, exhibit his affection for his disciples, as well as the way in which he counselled and encouraged them.

See Chapter 10, Part 5
Nichiren, The Buddhist Prophet