800 Years: The Importance of this Suffering World

At the opening of Chapter 24, the Buddha Pure-Flower-Star-King-Wisdom admonishes Wonderful-Voice Bodhisattva not to put on airs when he visits Śākyamuni’s world:

“ ‘Do not despise that world! Do not consider it to be inferior to our world! Good Man! The Sahā-World is not even. It is full of mud, stones, mountains and impurities. The Buddha of that world is short in stature! So are the Bodhisattvas of that world. You are forty-two thousand yojanas tall. I am six million and eight hundred thousand yojanas tall. You are the most handsome. You have thousands of millions of marks of merits, and your light is wonderful. Do not despise that world when you go there! Do not consider that the Buddha and Bodhisattvas of that world are inferior to us! Do not consider that that world is inferior to ours!’ ”

As Gene Reeves explains in The Stories of the Lotus Sutra:

“We can only guess what is behind the concern contained in this statement. Obviously, the writers believed that someone was not taking this world seriously enough. Does it indicate a time and place where people thought some distant land, some faraway paradise, was to be preferred to this world? Does it indicate a reaction to a worldview that rejected the reality and importance of this world in favor of some ideal world? We cannot be sure. But it is very clear that both here and in many other places the Dharma Flower Sutra emphasizes the value and importance of life in this world, the home of Shakyamuni Buddha, in which the path of the bodhisattva can be taken, the land that is our only home and place of practice.”

The Stories of the Lotus Sutra, p261

Looking at this comparison of the world of Pure-Flower-Star-King-Wisdom with Śākyamuni’s world, Nikkyō Niwano emphasizes in Buddhism for Today the difference in accomplishment for those who practice here, in the land of suffering, and those who practice in a pure land:

“The domain where the Buddha King Wisdom of the Pure Flower Constellation dwells is an ideal world situated in the heavens. For this reason the bodies of the buddhas and the bodhisattvas in that domain are extraordinarily large and of a wonderful brightness.

“On the other hand, what is the actuality? There is nothing impressive about it when compared with the ideal. The actuality appears to be far smaller, lower, and plainer than the ideal. A person who has perfected his character in such an actual world is far more sacred than an ideal form in the heavens, even if his body is small and has no apparent brightness. There is nothing more sacred than the attainment of the mental state of the Buddha in the actual world, where obstructions are often thrown up by evil-minded people. The Buddha King Wisdom of the Pure Flower Constellation preached this earnestly to the Bodhisattva Wonder Sound.”

Buddhism for Today, p370

Like the lotus flower, we need the mud of this world to nurture us and to allow us to bloom.

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