800 Years: The Transmission of Faith

[F]aith is the property of the heart, and one of life’s treasures. Faith saves us from suffering or darkness with compassion, teaches us self-control, carries with it a secure mind that will never be defiled by evil or crime, and shows us the answer of life through enlightenment. Having faith gives our life vitality, and rejuvenates our minds. How do we transmit this treasure to our children and others? It is an essential thing to have in the world and in life. The transmission of faith is not so difficult. As Nichiren Shonin said, “At the beginning of Odaimoku, ‘Namu’ means respecting and following gently.” Faith begins with respecting the Buddha and following his teaching gently. Please keep this in your mind and heart, and make efforts to transmit the teachings and Buddhist faith.

Spring Writings