A Great Event Is Preceded By Great Omen

A great event is preceded by a great omen, right or wrong. A great inauspicious event is followed by a great auspicious event. As the country of Japan today is the worst slanderer of the True Dharma, I am sure that the great True Dharma will inevitably spread in Japan. You have nothing to lament over. You should dance for joy like Venerable Mahākāśyapa and leap in delight like Śāriputra. Didn’t Bodhisattva Superior Practice come out dancing when he emerged from the earth? When Bodhisattva Universal Sage appeared, he shook the earth six ways.

Daizen Daiaku Gosho, A Letter on the Great Virtue and Worst Vice, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 6, Followers I, Page 123-124