A Memorial Service for Caleb

Memorial Prayer, Nov. 23, 2022

Last known photo of Caleb Michael Bodine, born 11-1-1992 and died 11-23-2021

I respectfully dedicate the merits of chanting the Lotus Sutra and reciting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo in the presence of the Buddha, the Founder Nichiren Shonin, and the Three Treasures to the spirit of Caleb Bodine for whom I observe the second memorial service today.

May the sound of my recitation of the Lotus Sutra and Namu Myoho Renge Kyo permeate throughout the spiritual world! May the spirit of the deceased permeate throughout the spiritual world!

May the heart of my prayer permeate throughout the spiritual world!

May all my merits go to the deceased and increase the happiness of the deceased!

It is said in the Lotus Sutra, “Good men or women in the future who hear the Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma with faithful respect caused by their pure minds, and have no doubts, will not fall into hell, region of hungry spirits, or the region of animals.

“They will be reborn before the Buddhas of the worlds of the ten directions.

“They will always hear this sutra at the places of their rebirth. Even when they are reborn among men or gods, they will be given wonderful pleasures.

“When they are reborn before the Buddhas, they will appear in lotus-flowers.”

May all sentient beings be blessed with these merits and may we all together attain Buddhahood!

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo

In addition to saying memorial prayers for Caleb morning and evening, I gathered warm clothing and delivered it to First Step Communities, an organization that creates interim housing and emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness. I plan to make this an annual part of my memorial service during what is otherwise a time of “thanksgiving.”