Acts of Buddhist Faith

This is not to suggest that Nichiren Buddhists are not interested in what may be considered “mundane” acts of good, such as improving our world by recycling, donating our time and money to good causes, and other actions that our consciences dictate. In fact, the Buddhism of Nichiren Shonin tells us that such actions are not mundane at all, but are themselves acts of Buddhist faith. As Nichiren Shonin wrote to one believer, “This is what is meant by ‘No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality.’ ” More specifically, as we follow the Buddha’s path, we improve the world in ways that we may not yet understand. As we increase our compassion for others, improve our sense of charity and patience, and bring ourselves to deep inner peace, how can we not have a positive effect on the world around us?

The practitioners of Nichiren Shu actively work toward this goal. Our daily practice and our daily lives are focused toward the betterment of the world by following the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha in the Lotus Sutra through the teachings of Nichiren Shonin. We ask you to join us in this transformation of ourselves and our world. Join us and chant Namu Myoho Renge Kyo so that all sentient beings may experience this world as the Buddha’s Pure Land.

Lotus Seeds