An Action-Oriented Sutra

The Dharma Flower Sutra … is action-oriented. At the end of Chapter 16 we are invited to perfect our buddha bodies. The Sutra, in other words, is as much concerned, perhaps even more concerned, about what we do with our hands and feet as it is with what happens in our minds. This is not to say that what happens in our minds is unimportant. It is exceedingly difficult to imagine a peaceful world without there being peaceful minds. But I think it would be a great mistake to assume that, at least for the Dharma Flower Sutra, the end or goal of Buddhism is some kind of experience of being enlightened or awakened. For the Lotus Sutra, the goal is the way itself, the way of awakened action – the practice and the way of the bodhisattva, one who is becoming a buddha through taking on whatever forms are needed to help others.

The Stories of the Lotus Sutra, p260-261