An Interpretation of Four Teachings

Question: What are the names of the Four Teachings?

Answer: (1) The Tripiṭaka Teaching, (2) the Shared Teaching,
(3) the Distinct Teaching, and (4) the Perfect Teaching.

Q: Why are all four called “Teaching”?

A: “Teaching” contains the meaning of elucidating reality and transforming beings; therefore they are called teachings.

Q: We agree that teachings are used for elucidating reality, but what do you mean by “transforming beings”?

A: “Transforming beings” refers to transforming and converting the minds of beings.

Q: How many meanings are there to “transformation and conversion”?

A: There are three meanings.

Q: What are these three meanings?

A: The first is the conversion of evil to good. The second is the conversion of delusion to understanding. The third is the conversion of the ordinary to the noble. Therefore it is said that beings are transformed.

Q: Why are they established as four Teachings, and not three or five?

A: The noble Buddha, in his sermon on the four unexplainables, used four methods of instruction, and according to conditions used four explanations. Therefore the Four Teachings were established.

Tendai Lotus School Teachings, p 11-12