Bye Bye, 2020

Traditionally I clean my altar on the last day of the year in preparation for the New Year. Never before have I looked forward to the end of a year as I do 2020.

While I’m here I figure I should clean out my blog to-do list.

Following an online service back on December 6 at the Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada, Rev. Shoda Kanai gave a sermon playing with kanji character for “Buddha” and the kanji character for “me” or “I” and showing how, in kanji, the Buddha is literally inside you and me.

The Buddha Inside you and ame

Here’s PDF copy of the article in the January 2021 Radiance newsletter that Rev. Shoda Kanai adapted from his sermon.

Back in September, Rev. Ryuei McCormick was interviewed as part of a video series organized by filmmaker Yujiro Seki, who is promoting his movie Carving the Divine.

The stated topic of the interview is the The Four Aims (Siddhantas) of Buddhist Practice. When I first saw that the interview lasts nearly 40 minutes I kept putting off listening to it. As result it was only last week when I finally realized what I had missed. Yes, there is a discussion the question “What are the four siddantas/the four aims?” But that is only a minor portion of the full video.

While I recommend everyone watch the full video, I’ve created links to the various topics for those with a particular interest.