Colors of Interpretation

Q: What is the meaning of the passage quoted from the Saddharma-smṛtyupasthāna Sūtra that speaks of “distributing the five colors”?

A: The combination of ignorance with the most evil activity arouses the conditioned co-arising of the hellish realm, like painting with the color black. The combination of ignorance with middling evil activity arouses the conditioned co-arising of the realm of beasts, like painting with the color red. The combination of ignorance with lesser evil activity arouses the conditioned co-arising of the realm of hungry spirits, like painting with the color blue. The combination of ignorance with lesser good activity arouses the conditioned co-arising of the realm of the asuras, like painting with the color yellow. The combination of ignorance with middling good activities arouses the conditioned co-arising of the realm of human beings, like painting with the color white. The combination of ignorance with the best good activity arouses the conditioned co-arising of the realm of gods, like painting with the most superior white color. The analogy of the five colors has this meaning. The arousing of these six destinies should be known as having these causes.

Tendai Lotus School Teachings, p 77-78