Day 27

Day 27 concludes Chapter 23, The Previous Life of Medicine-King Bodhisattva.

Having last month learned the merits to be received by those who hear this chapter, we hear the Buddha tell  Star-King-Flower to propagate this chapter.

“Therefore, Star-King-Flower! I will transmit this chapter of the Previous Life of Medicine-King Bodhisattva to you. Propagate this chapter throughout the Jambudvipa in the later five hundred years after my extinction lest it should be lost, and lest Mara the Evil One, the followers of Mara, gods, dragons, yakṣas, and kumbha]das should take advantage [of the weak points of the people of the Jambudvipa].

“Star-King-Flower! Protect this sūtra by your supernatural powers! Why is that? It is because this sūtra is a good medicine for the diseases of the people of the Jambudvipa. The patient who hears this sūtra will be cured of his disease at once. He will not grow old or die.

Coincidentally, today’s daily quote from Nichiren’s writings addressed this section:

[T]he only dependable teaching is a phrase in fascicle seven of the Lotus Sūtra saying: “Propagate this sūtra throughout Jambudvipa during the last 500-year period after My passing.” Grand Master Dengyō interprets this: “The Ages of the True Dharma and Semblance Dharma are approaching the end, and the Latter Age of Degeneration is around the corner. It is the time when the One Vehicle teaching of the Lotus Sūtra will be propagated.”

Mikoshi Buri Gosho, Intimidation with the Portable Shrine, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Biography and Desciples, Volume 5, Page 138