Day 4

Day 4 finishes Chapter 2, Expedients, and completes the first volume of the Sutra of the Lotus flower of the Wonderful Dharma.

Recently I’ve been reprinting the contents of a “The Doctrines of Nichiren with a Sketch of His Life.” The book was first published in 1893 and it has been thought provoking to see the difference in focus while maintaining the teachings of Nichiren.

Take for instance this statement:

Now the real state of visible things is one of emptiness and relativity. All phenomena, mental and material, in all times and spaces, are to be conceived of as existing subjectively in the consciousness of every individual, as his own physical and mental states, and thus only; so that the differences and varieties which distinguish things from one another must be regarded as purely imaginary and misleading, without any foundation in fact. Grasp this, and you have the Truth, and everything will then appear to you as it is in reality; you will see it as it is in itself.
Doctrines of Nichiren (1893)

This concept is underlined in today’s reading in several places in the last half of Chapter 2, Expedients:

All things are from the outset
In the state of tranquil extinction.


They know the Highest Truth of Tranquil Extinction.
They have the power to employ expedients.
Although they expound various teachings,
Their purpose is to reveal the Buddha-Vehicle.


I thought:
“I appeared in the defiled world.
Just like the other Buddhas,
I will expound the Dharma
According to the capacities of all living beings.”
Having thought this, I went to Vārāṇasī,
And expounded the Dharma to the five bhiksus
With expedients
Because the state of tranquil extinction of all things
is inexplicable by words.

The Doctrines of Nichiren goes on to say:

[T]he multitude, being still unenlightened, are unable to perceive the great truth that this present world is the world of Buddhas and of Glorious Light, and are unconscious of the Paradise into which they have already actually entered. Their minds being thus confused, they give rein to the four passions of avarice, anger, folly, and pride, and find themselves in the painful regions of birth, old age, disease, and death; so that they are obliged to pass through a series of transmigrations in the world of evils, which is ever a prey to Great Fire in times past, and present, and future. But all these pains and miseries are, in fact, voluntarily incurred by the people themselves; they are not proper and natural to the real state of the world, which is, in itself, free from them altogether.
Doctrines of Nichiren (1893)

Something to meditate on while chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo