
In Buddhism it is easy to be distracted by many things. Life can throw at us so many obstacles that sometimes it is like driving through a heavy rain on a highway and the windshield wipers are going so fast we can’t see much of the road ahead and so we slow down or pull over. It isn’t easy though in our daily lives to actually slow down. Life seems to march inexorably forward with or without us. At times like these we may feel as if we are passengers on a bus being driven madly forward to a destination not of our choosing. There are things we can do though once we become aware of this condition. It is possible to limit the number of interrupting distractions. The first thing that helps is to firmly establish the routine of placing our practice first and foremost in our daily lives. When we can begin our day with even the smallest amount of mindful Buddhist practice we set the stage for how we manage our entire lives.

Lotus Path: Practicing the Lotus Sutra Volume 1