Enma-san Awakens Our Buddha-Nature

These are Nichiren Shonin’s words:

“In this fleeting life, you cling to temporary pleasures day and night and do not care about the reverence of the Buddha, the teachings, or praying for your parents or ancestors. You spend every day uselessly in routine work without any inspiration. After death, how are you going to justify your life before Enma, the King of Hell? How are you going to get to the peaceful Buddha world while crossing the deep seas of suffering?”

One famous old doctor said, “After death, we human beings have to appear before Enma-san! When we die, we are shown into Enma’s court, and balance-scales are placed before us. ‘Place all the things that you have received from others when you were alive on one side and the things you gave to others on the other side.’ If the items received are heavier than the given, Enma-san will say, ‘You have taken advantage of people’s kindness without giving to others. You have to go to Hell.’ If your giving was more than what you received, Enma-san will inform you that you may enter into the other better worlds, or the peaceful Buddha world.” The doctor described Enma’s court like this. “I don’t think I have given enough. I would like to work harder so that medical treatments will be more helpful for others.”

That doctor saved many lives and was always improving medical treatments, but he said, “It is still not enough.” Such words have never come from a selfish or arrogant mind. Being fearful of Enma-san disciplines our selfish and arrogant mind, making it humble and compassionate. In other words, Enma-san awakens our Buddha-nature. He is like a mental trainer for savage, greedy human beings.

Summer Writings