Is this recording? Check Check Test

Ven. Kenjo Igarashi’s wife, Mihoko, is a master of Japanese flower arranging. I asked Rev. Igarashi if his wife offered Ikebana classes and he laughed. No such luck.

I have permission from Ven. Kenjo Igarashi to record services as long as I don’t publish the actual recording. I use the recordings to capture Rev. Igarashi’s gosho lectures and then summarize them here.

Before today’s service commemorating Nichiren’s birthday, which was followed by a Kaji Kito purification ceremony, I placed my voice recorder on the lectern. I returned to my seat, got distracted while greeting my friends, enjoyed Rev. Igarashi’s talk and, after chatting with friends after the service, got in my car to leave.

As I started the car Rev. Igarashi walked up and handed me the voice recorder. “This wasn’t on,” he said as he gave me the recorder.

Oh, well. Rev. Igarashi promises a gosho on Namu Myoho Renge Kyo next time. Here’s hoping I have better luck.

On the topic of Odaimoku, I’ve added brochure from The Nichiren Buddhist International Center to the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church’s website. I now have 10 brochures available there.