Just as Drops of Water Fall to Become Rivers Flowing into an Ocean

Just as drops of water fall to become rivers flowing into an ocean and dust particles accumulating to form Mt. Sumeru, the contention of the one person attached to a provisional sūtra will gradually increase, the number of people who do not believe in the true teaching will increase, and even the believers of the true teaching will fall back to believing in the provisional teaching. When believers of the provisional sūtras thus fill the country, the heart of rejoicing at hearing the Lotus Sūtra will be lost and it will be like a country without a king or a human being without spirit. The Lotus-Shingon temples will all fall into disrepair, divine protection by heavenly kings, virtuous gods, dragon god and others will disappear, and sages will all abandon the country. Taking advantage of the situation, devils and demons will take hold of the country, where evil winds will stop staple grains from ripening, and epidemics will spread to lead the people to ruin.

Shō Hokke Daimoku-shō, Treastise on Chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sūtra, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 16-17