Kaidan: The Precept Platform

The second of the Three Great Secret Dharmas is the Kaidan, or Precept Platform. The Precept Platform is considered any place where one chants Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, thereby basing one’s life upon the true spirit of Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings. Traditionally, the Precept Platform was the place where one made formal vows to follow the precepts of Buddhism as a member of the clergy. Nichiren Shonin universalized the concept of the Precept Platform so that all people could uphold the essential teaching and practice of the Lotus Sutra at all times through chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. In Nichiren Buddhism there is no essential difference between the clergy and the laity. The Buddha-nature is equally accessible to all. In addition, the practice of Nichiren Buddhism does not require one to live in a monastery or attend intensive retreats. It is a practice that can be done anytime and anywhere, both by those with families and those who live alone. The most important thing is simply to practice so that wherever you find yourself becomes your Precept Platform.

Lotus Seeds