
[In the Shodaigyo ceremoney we offer] Kigangyo (Prayer)

With reverence, we offer up the merits we have accumulated through the chanting of the Odaimoku so that, in doing so, we may receive the greatest of compassion through the transcendental powers of the Original Buddha.

For all people we uphold this universal Dharma-teaching of equality that benefits all. We deeply vow to diligently strive for the improvement of both our societies and ourselves, as well as to diligently strive for the achievement of world peace. We pray that all people throughout the four corners of the world may return their lives to the Eternal Buddha’s Pure Land through the Wonderful Dharma of Myōhō Renge Kyō.

Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō

We pray that each and every family member, as well as our benefactors and our friends, all live in accordance with the True Dharma. We pray they all enjoy good health in both body and mind. May they increase their understanding of the Buddha’s wisdom, expiate their past transgressions, do good deeds, and lead a virtuous life. May they learn to respect each other. We pray that they embrace the correct practice of Buddhism, perform virtuous work, assiduously improve themselves, and achieve family happiness. May they all obtain the eternal peace and happiness. We pray that all beings, as well as myself, will awaken to the true nature of reality, which is the Buddha nature, and that we all will attain the enlightenment of the Buddha.

Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō

We pray for all of the deceased: for the spirits of our ancestors, for all those who have formed a relationship with the Buddha, and for all those who have not. May you all follow the benevolent life of the Tathagata. May you cross the ocean of suffering, reach the further shore and attain Buddhahood.

May the merits we have accumulated through this deep offering of prayer be distributed equally among all living beings. May we all attain the enlightenment of the Buddha. May all the Dharma Realms equally benefit all.

Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō

Journey of the Path to Righteousness, p 60-61