Leading the People in the Right Direction

It is I, Nichiren, alone who can rectify the false views of other schools and lead the people in the right direction.

The Nirvana Sūtra states that if a good monk sees others destroying Buddhism and ignores them without accusing them of their sins and chasing them out of their residences, he is an enemy of Buddhism. Grand Master Chang-an explains this passage in the Nirvana Sūtra: “A man who destroys Buddhism is an enemy of Buddhism. One who does not have compassion does not blame such a man, and instead pretends to be friendly to him. Such a man is his enemy. One who blames a destroyer of Buddhism and removes his evil mind is a man of kindness.”

Shingon Shoshū Imoku, Differences between the Lotus Sect and Other Sects Such as the True Word Sect, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 2, Page 122