Manifesting Our Completeness

One thing you might have noticed, I certainly do, is that when the Bodhisattvas arose from the ground they did not look to the Buddha for permission or for a prediction. They approached the Buddha and asked how he was and if he was tired. I think this is significant in our own lives. When we practice Buddhism are we doing so in order to be given something or do we approach our practice out of gratitude for what we have.

Remember the Bodhisattvas appear in this world in many shapes and sizes doing many different things, they appear as ordinary beings and yet their true identity is that of these golden-hued beings who have a relationship with the Buddha that spans all time.

When we change our mind, when we realize that we are already Buddhas, and when we practice with the confidence of manifesting and not of trying to be something different, then we are practicing as these great Bodhisattvas. We are complete as we are; we just need to manifest that completeness.

Lecture on the Lotus Sutra