
Q: Next, is the term “Pratyekabuddha” Sanskrit or Chinese?

A: It is Sanskrit.

Q: What is it in Chinese?

A: This is translated [into Chinese] as “one who is awakened concerning conditions.” This refers to one who lives during the time of a Buddha and, by hearing an exposition on Twelvefold Conditioned Co-arising, immediately awakens to Pratyekabuddhahood.

Q: How many varieties of Pratyekabuddhas are there?

A: There are two kinds. Those who appear during the time of the Buddha have already been mentioned. If they are to appear during a time when there is no Buddha in the world, they have an immediate spontaneous awakening to Pratyekabuddhahood while contemplating the scattering of flowers or the falling of leaves.

Tendai Lotus School Teachings, p 22