Precious Items

It is said that Mt. Kunlun is rich with jewels but there are no pebbles. This Mt. Minobu lacks salt. At a place where there are no pebbles, a pebble is more precious than a precious stone. Likewise, salt is more precious than rice here on Mt. Minobu. The Ministers of the Left and Right are the treasures of the king and they are called salt and miso (fermented soybean paste). Just as we cannot make a living without miso and salt, the king cannot govern his country without the Ministers of the Left and Right.

Regarding oil, it is stated in the Nirvana Sūtra, “People catch cold when there is no oil, and they do not catch cold when they have oil. Oil is the best medicine to cure a cold.”

Thank you very much for sending me these precious items. I do not know how to express my gratitude for the great kindness shown to me. Ultimately, this is the result of the fervent faith of your late father (Lord Nanjo Hyōeshichirō) in the Lotus Sūtra, isn’t it? A proverb says this, “The king’s ambition is stated by his subjects, and parental aspirations are expressed by their children.” How happy your late father must be!

Nanjō-dono Gohenji, Reply to Lord Nanjō, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 7, Followers II, Pages 18