Propagators of the Primal Mystery

On September 12, 1271, when he was fifty years old, the government arrested Nichiren. Officials secretly attempted to behead him at Tatsu-no-Kuchi on the seashore near Kamakura, but a sudden miracle spared Nichiren and the government had to exile him instead to the Island of Sado. During his exile on Sado, the saint further deepened his religious contemplation and wrote some of his major works, such as Kaimoku-sho (“Opening the Eyes”) and Kanjin-honzon-sho (“The Most-Venerable-One Revealed by Introspection”). In these writings, Nichiren clarified the practical significance of the Great Bodhisattvas from underground, including Superb-Action Bodhisattva, as the propagators of the Primal Mystery (Hommon) in the evil ages after the extinction of the Buddha.

Introduction to the Lotus Sutra