

A tiny needle sinks into the water. Rain falls – it cannot float in the air. These are natural laws. A person who kills a tiny ant falls into hell. Thus, a person who kills a human being falls into hell.

However, a huge rock can float on water if it is placed on a ship. A raging fire can be extinguished by the power of water. Without repentance, even a small sin can make a man fall into hell. On the other hand, with sincere repentance, even great sins can be erased.

(Background : March 1276, 54 years old, at Minobu, Showa Teihon, p.] 158)

Explanatory note

According to Buddhism, a person who kills any living being falls into hell, even for killing a tiny ant. I know you may think that it is heavy punishment for just killing an ant. However, a tiny needle sinks into the water because its density is greater than that of water. The rule is applicable to the concept of falling into hell.

But is it possible that we, common people, do not kill any living being? Nichiren pointed out in “Ken Hobo Sho” that it is almost impossible even for a priest of Ritsu Sect, which adheres strictly to Buddhist precepts, not to kill any living beings throughout his life.

To repent one’s wrong conduct, he or she must have faith in the teachings of the Buddha Sakyamuni from the bottom of one’s heart. Instead of falling into guilty consciousness because of not keeping the precepts, one should rely on the Buddha’s teachings to be saved.

We should understand the parable which Nichiren revealed. It states that even a huge rock which is too heavy for a man to lift can still float on water, if it is carried aboard a ship.

If each one of us in the Latter Age of the Declining Law chants Odaimoku sincerely to repent wrong conduct, we will be able to experience appreciation of living in this great world.

Rev. Okuno

Phrase A Day