Shingyō Hikkei: Ueno-dono Gohenji

A Reply to Lord Ueno

Among the people who believe in the Lotus Sutra today, some people’s faith is like fire and other’s faith is like water. Some people are aroused like burning fire during a sermon, but once they go away they forget all what they heard. When I say “like water,” I mean a person who has constant faith. You have always called on me without fail and therefore, your faith is like water. This is great.

(Explanatory note)

Nichiren Shonin said that when he observed believers of the Lotus Sutra, there were some who believed in it like fire and others like water. When he said, “faith like fire,” he meant those who are aroused like burning fire when they listen to the sermon, but once they go away their religious fervor is soon cooled down and they forget about it. “Faith like Water” means constant and unwavering faith. Since Lord Ueno sent gifts and inquiries about Nichiren Shonin regularly no matter what happened, Nichiren Shonin said that the lord had “faith like water,” which was great.

Reprinted from the Shingyō Hikkei