Shoeizan Enkyoji Buddhist Temple of Rochester

Enjoyed attending Sunday’s Shodaigo service at Shoeizan Enkyoji Buddhist Temple of Rochester.

The Shoeizan Enkyoji Buddhist Temple of Rochester is located on the Fourth Floor of the Hungerford building at 1115 East Main St.
Although there is a freight elevator, I’ve always climbed to the top of the building. There’s something spiritual about getting winded in the effort to attend services.
Chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo loud and proud.
Sunday’s sangha

Last week, Shami Kanyu Kroll commented on my great fortune to have opportunities to practice at home and my home away from home. It is my great fortune, indeed.

Tomorrow, the wife and I leave for Sacramento. We are driving a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer that belonged to my wife’s parents. Even with the trip across the country, the car will have less than 40,000 miles on it when we give it to our son in Sacramento.