Taking Others’ Suffering on Oneself

Taking others’ suffering on oneself and purifying it without allowing oneself to be contaminated is the mission of the bodhisattva, who clears a world polluted by ignorance and selfishness. As Saichō, the founder of Japan’s Tendai sect, said, “To take evil upon oneself and to give good to others, and to forget about oneself and to work for the benefit of all, is the ultimate in compassion.”

Not discriminating between friends and enemies, tending not to have “personal” needs, appreciating all beings and all situations, bodhisattvas never pause in their constant, merciful practice (nondualism in action), always treat others as they would like to be treated, and are always ready to help others to overcome their misery.
A Buddhist Kaleidoscope; Riccardo Venturini, A Buddha Teaches Only Bodhisattvas, Page 335