The Beneficial Water of the Hommon of Hoke-kyō.

Tendai Daishi taught the Three Benefits (san yaku) of planting the seed, bringing it to ripeness, and getting deliverance. The “seed” is the seed of goodness sown into the human heart by the Ancient Buddha of Original Enlightenment, and Tendai Daishi evidently believed that by virtue of this seed all men were able to become Buddhas. Though Nichiren adopted the Three Benefits, he believed that “the seed of goodness” had died. While he agreed that in the Shōbo and Zōbō Period men had the capacity of innate goodness, he maintained that in the Mappō Period men had lost their original goodness. It had to be revived again by the beneficial water of the hommon of Hoke-kyō.

Petzold, Buddhist Prophet Nichiren , p 60