The Core of Our Life

Making the Lotus Sutra the core of our life, the center point, the point from which all else radiates, is key. Our intention should rest on the Lotus Sutra. I challenge you, from this day, to set your intention to practice the Lotus Sutra deeply, intentionally, and centrally. In the morning just after you open your eyes, even before you get out of bed, say to yourself three Odaimoku, three Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Say it with gratitude and generosity. Then after you are dressed make time, even a few minutes if that is all you can, and sit down and chant Odaimoku. Set your intention to be mindful through the day and live your day based on the Lotus Sutra. Also express appreciation to yourself for how you have begun your day. Finally, at the end of the day, right before you go to sleep, even as you are laying in bed, chant Odaimoku again three times, with your mind on the desire for happiness for all beings and appreciation for your day based on the Lotus Sutra.

Lotus Path: Practicing the Lotus Sutra Volume 1