The First Thing Needing Change

When you are in a good mood, cheerful, smiling, and positive then things may not get you flustered or irritated as easily as if you felt grumpy. The external environment isn’t the thing that changes; it is our life that changes in how it responds to our external environment. The way we respond in turn affects the way others respond to us. Have you ever noticed how some people are always dissatisfied or complaining, as if nothing ever is good enough? It is hard to attract good things to one’s life if nothing is ever good enough. There is a consistency in all of this. The message here is that when we start to change internally then we begin to see an external change, which then sets up the condition for us to further change. It all has to begin within one’s own life. Again, Buddhism teaches us that the first thing needing change is ourselves.

Lecture on the Lotus Sutra