The Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds

The principle of the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds states that each of these Ten Worlds, or state’s of mind, contains all of the others within itself. They are not mutually exclusive. Despair, craving, impulsiveness, reasoning, pride, rapture, self­-discipline, insight, compassion, and awakening are all states of being that influence and even cause each other. For instance, we might experience great frustration driving to work through city traffic, but then become delighted the next moment when a favorite song comes on the radio, and listening to that song might lead to an insight about our own lives. This is just one example of an infinite number of combinations that we experience over the course of lifetimes, in the course of a single day, or even in a single moment. Though one or two states tend to predominate, they are all bound up in one another. The transformations between them are governed by the law of cause and effect.

Lotus Seeds