The Perfect Expression of the Ultimate Truth

During the Ceremony in the Air, Shakyamuni Buddha is shown to be the Original Buddha, whereas all other buddhas throughout the universe are merely reflections of him. He is not just one buddha among others. He is the one who perfectly expresses the ultimate truth, the Wonderful Dharma, which all buddhas teach. This truth is not many, it is one, and it is universal. The truth is the same for all beings, though it may he expressed and understood differently by different people. Ultimately, anyone who awakens to this truth and teaches it to others will be in harmony with Shakyamuui Buddha. Though other teachings may be distorted or partial reflections of the truth, when we uphold the Wonderful Dharma of lhe Elernal Shakyamuni Buddha, we are upholding the most perfect and complete expression of the true nature of reality.

Lotus Seeds