The Prediction for the 5,000 Arrogant Monks

The last portion of the verse section has a very important meaning:

“Kāśyapa! You now know
Of these five hundred self-reliant ones. The other band of śrāvakas
Will also be like them.
To these, who are not in this assembly,
Do you proclaim my words.”

In other words: “These five hundred self-reliant arhats will become buddhas in the future, as will the many other śrāvakas. Kāśyapa! Do you proclaim what I have now said to those who are not in this assembly, and do you lead them to the way of attaining buddhahood.”

“Those who are not in this assembly” indicates the five thousand arrogant monks who left the assembly saying that since they had already attained enlightenment it was not necessary for them to listen to the Lotus Sutra. As already mentioned, because of his great wisdom and compassion, the World-honored One was silent and purposely did not stop them. Here he gives his prediction that even they will surely become buddhas according to their practice.

Buddhism for Today, p125-126