The Ten Worlds of the Odaimoku

The Ten Worlds are mutually possessed in the Odaimoku, and each of these Ten Worlds mutually possess all Ten Worlds. All the virtues of each of the 100 Worlds thus derived are infused in the Odaimoku and thus we receive the merit of those virtues. Our chanting helps to restore the imbalances in our lives, smoothing out the rough patches. Perhaps we’ve had a bad day, and we have over exercised our world of Anger. We become out-of-harmony and our world appears as an angry place. Perhaps we have become musclebound by using Anger so much. To restore balance, we need not only to be less angry, but we need to strengthen the virtues of the other worlds.

Perhaps the problem is Hunger. I’m writing this on the sales weekend following the US Thanksgiving holiday. This is a time of heavy promotion to buy stuff. All sorts of emails have been flooding my inbox with solicitations to purchase things with supposedly special sales and discount coupons. It can be tough to keep Hunger in its proper perspective. Each of the Ten Worlds can present a problem if out of balance.

When we chant Odaimoku in front of the Gohonzon, it is these things we are advised to contemplate balance in our living, and calm and clear seas in our mind.

Important Matters, p 58-59