The Work of Two Masters

The two masters, Hui-ssu of Mt. Nan-yo and Chih-i of Mt, T’ien-t’ai, appeared in the eras of the Ch’en and the Sui. They had been on the sacred Vulture Peak in the distant past and heard the subtle teachings of the Lotus Sutra directly. Reborn in China, they propagated the teaching of the One Vehicle, entered a quiet state of concentration and settled their thoughts, aroused pure wisdom and understood the various potentials [of sentient beings], and once again revealed the Buddhist doctrines and perfected the way of contemplation. All people respected them and accepted from them the pure ambrosia [of the Buddha-dharma]. The four types of Buddhists [monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen] paid them homage and thus partook of the quintessential taste of ghee. Thereafter the four major [delusions of sentient beings] were further reduced; and the three fields [of precepts, concentration, and wisdom] increasingly prospered.

Tendai Lotus School Teachings, p 6