Wasting Our Lives In A Drunken Fog

[In Chapter 8, The Assurance of Future Buddhahood of the Five Hundred Disciples,] the poor man was bewildered. “Gem?” he asked. “What gem?” He felt along the lining of his garment, and was astonished to find a precious stone attached to it. He had been a wealthy man all this time without realizing it.

The real meaning of this story is spiritual, not financial. By nature, each one of us possesses a gem of priceless value. By simply being alive, we have the same heart and wisdom as the Buddha, but we are not aware of it. (To be enlightened means to wake up and realize who and what we really are.) This gem in everyone’s heart is nothing less than the Buddha nature, the potential to become a Buddha. Because of our ignorance, we are unaware of our Buddha-nature, and fail to make any effort or undertake any practice to develop it. The man in this story who loves to drink signifies ordinary people like us, wasting our lives as if in a drunken fog.

Introduction to the Lotus Sutra