Following the Truth

[King Wonderful-Adornment] follows the truth when it is shown to him, even though it is his own sons who lead him to the truth. This probably is the main point intended in the story. The Dharma Flower Sutra wants us to realize that we too must follow the truth, regardless of the source.

Following the truth means not only recognizing it, but also acting in accord with it. The King sees truth in the deeds of his sons and he follows them to see the Buddha.

In this sense, Buddhism can be seen as radically anti-authoritarian. We should follow the truth regardless of convention, regardless of from where or from whom it comes. But, at the same time, this final authority of the individual has to be kept in check by having good associations, good friends, and teachers.

Thus, Buddhism is here again a kind of middle way – saying follow the truth as you yourself see it, but be sure that you are looking in the right places, that you are looking critically, and that your perceptions are shared by good friends. Doing so makes you a “child of the Buddha.”

The Stories of the Lotus Sutra, p293