Kyo-On Rosho

You need to understand the meaning of Kyo-On Rosho in regard to the chanting of Odaimoku. I will explain. On of Kyo-On is the sound of the chanting of Odaimoku. The voice chanting Odaimoku should be one of respectfulness and reverence. It is a voice of both humility and joy. The sound of Odaimoku should be cheerful. It should not be sorrowful or grim.

When Nichiren Daishonin stood on the rocky ledge of Mt. Kiyosumi at Asahigamori, he faced the rising sun in a dignified manner and chanted the Odaimoku (Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō, Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō …) in a cheerful voice from the bottom of his abdomen upward.

Journey of the Path to Righteousness, p 46